Urban first aid

Urban-First aid also applicable to rural areas

Internal injuries, head, nose or bruises-Ice application in a cloth or hanky. On non-availability of ice, wet cloth in cold or normal water. Repeat throughout the day.

Fracture or ligament tear-Cold application for acute pain, any pain balm or gel.
For arms wrist etc prepare a splint with any available cloth.
For knees, legs or foot-Don’t walk on it, elevate on cushion and bandage with cloth or stretch bandage.

For 1st Aid-keep a small Draclim plastic bottle of Arnica 200 or 30. Particularly for head injuries imp to give immediately.4 pills & repeat every 3 hrs,3-4 doses in the day. Shakti drops also give at once or apply externally.

Cuts-keep small bottle of Haldi or Panchgavya, clean with Shakti drops, dettol or hot water. For bleeding cover with Haldi till blood coagulates. Band-aid or cotton bandage over any of these dressings. The best dressing is a leaf of fresh Aloe Vera(if available). Cut open like a book, Warm the green leafy after sprinkling Haldi(1 tsp)on the gel side or in absence of heating. Normal is ok. After cleaning the cut, apply gel Haldi side and bandage. While holding it in place,

If onion or Garlic can be procured, it works on most bites. For traveling onion powder or Allium cepa and Ledum pal, neem powder or crushed leaves mixed with Haldi

Wasp & bee-Rubbing with a key or knife, apply vinegar if available in a nearby location. Lemon and Honey work for certain bites.

Burns- Running water at once. Then fill water in a glass & keep it in.

Travel Sickness-Before travel suck on Lemon, ginger, mint, ajwain,saunf, jeera, Kala Namak.

Poisoning-Lots of water,1/2 glass edible oil. Keep Nux Vomica or Avomin salt water, lemon juice, clove, ginger, tulsi, mint.
