Flower Teas

Flower Teas

Small size flowers(Smear ghee,put on firewood to act as a purifier also as a mosquito,insect repellent.Put leaves and flowers in an electric steamer,switch on to purify the air.During virals,epidermics,measles,chicken pox it can be useful).Or burn on cow dung or coal(Similarly Neem,eucalyptus,lemon grass,citronella can be used in this way)

Dandelion, Blow ball (Taraxacum officinale ) – Hindi name: Dudal, Kanphul,Kukraundha; Sanskrit name: Simhadanti. All parts of the plant are useful: roots, flowers and leaves as decoction, root as dandelion coffee is a powerful detox, and leaves are very rich in Vitamin C as salad. Whole plant is a powerful diuretic, detox, liver, kidney, swelling, skin, stomach and digestive remedy. Excellent for arthritis, particularly rheumatoid arthritis (decoction of root and leaves, one glass morning and evening). Shredded root boiled in water and 1 cup of decoction is excellent for diabetes and gall stones.

Stinging Nettles-(Urtica dioicia  /Bichu booti)
Anti-oxidant-increases immunity and energy levels,nutritionally rich and a digestive
Good for osteoarthiritis and joint pain,Hay fever,bleeding,eczema,diabetes,diuretic,cough and cold.
Highly beneficial for prostrate problems in men and urinary ailments.
Relieves hypertension,menopausal symptoms,neurological disorders,alzhiemer.
Antidote  and relief for Nettle sting-Dock leaves(Pahadi palang,Jangli Palak,Amlya) grow next to nettles(look like spinach(rub or wrap on the sting)).Dock leave can be used medicinally as distilled water of herb and root both externally and internally for colic or itch,unhealthy skin,scars,burns and sores.

Parijat flower(Harisinghar)-Make a paste of flowers and leaves.Mix with nirgundi leaves paste(equal quantities)
optional-Castor leaves
Apply for joint pains and swelling.
Decoction of flowers is good for the skin and hair.
Benefits of drinking –Blood purifying,joint pains,tonic.
Sciatica-7 leaves of parijat and 7 leaves of nirgundi.Boil in 2 glasses of water.Reduce to 1 ½ glass.Drink ½ glass thrice a day.For a minimum of 10-15 days to cure sciatica

Mouth Ulcers-Rinse mouth with Jasmine soaked in water.Add a little licorice powder(Mulethi).
Headache-soak for 1 hour in a glass of water.Add a small pinch of salt.Make a pack for forehead.Strain with fine cloth.Instill 2 drops in each nostril twice a day for a few days(chronic headache).
Itching body or due to dandruff or lice.Grind the jasmine root.Boil with a few of the leaves and flowers.Add a little lime juice to the cooled decoction.Can mix rose and marigold flowers.Have a bath.Also good for psoriasis and other skin ailements.Drink Jasmine flower water or tea.It is a cooling and relaxing tonic.

Marigold –(Tagetus/Gendha)
Acts as an antiseptic,for mouth ulcers gargle with it.
For prickly heat,mix with few neem leaves,gree coriander,mint leaves.Soak overnight in a bucket of water.
Strain and have bath.
Liver tonic and jaundice-decoction of flowers,menstrual problems particularly dysmenorrhia.

Sontaka-Very effective for headache.Smell the flowers and soak in water.Put a cold pack of same on forehead.Strain through fine cloth and use as eye drops.
For Insomnia-Put the flowers in your room

Hibiscus/Shoeflower(red and white)-Diabetes,menstrual problems,hormonal problems,heat in body and for immunity.Eat 3 fresh flowers every morning or make juice or syrup out of flowers.
Hair-Boil both leaves and flowers or one of those.Strain and apply as conditioner after shampoo.Good for hair growth also.
Good for skin.White flowers cure leucorrhoea in women.
In South India they beat the heat with red hibiscus sherbet and its oil to cool the head and hair growth. Up North they eat the flowers for immunity, blood sugar control or hormonal balance.

Nasturtium(yellow,orange or both)-Eat as a tonic in salads.Eat 3 flowers together to open blocked nose.Good for sinusitis.Colds and coughs.Soak leaves and flowers.Wash face and have a bath for skin toning.

Tamarind flowers(Imli)-Make a paste of flowers.Apply around eyes for swelling.For swelling around other parts of body,make paste of flowers,leaves and apply.Internal pith and prickly heat.Eat chutney of flowers and a few of the leaves.Have a bath with water of both.

Palash/Tesu(Flame of the forest)-Reduces pitta and cough.Paste of flowers and leaves on boils,swellings,fistula.Bathe for skin toning and hair conditioning.
For urine retention and stomach problems-drink decoction of flowers and leaves.Apply a paste on lower abdomen.

Tulsi flowers
Lemon flowers
Rose hips , petals and whole flowers(ideally Desi Gulab-wild rose or Gulkand gulab or Damascus roses,.
 Nasturtiums,roses,dandelions,hibiscus,parijat,jasmine,tulsi,jade, Calendula,marigold,chrysanthemum,Sonchampa,Sontaka,jasmine,lemon flowers,mimosa flower,mustard flowers,wild amaranth,passion flowers,guava flowers,Imli flowers,mango flowers,palash flowers,madhumalti flowers

Adulsa- Useful for cough,cold,bronchitis.Asthama and immunity.(T.B).Make a Gulcand out of the flowers in gud or honey.Make a paste of leaves and flowers,apply on chest for congestion.Saute some flowers in ghee.Cool and apply on closed eyes.Leave for 15 minutes.Cures swelling and internal eye problems.Also good as an antiseptic for bathing.

Aloe-vera(Barbadensis)-the internal pulp is useful as a base for mixing the flower paste.Can be used along with honey and lime juice to remove sunburn,pigmentation,scars and dark skin.Eat internally for blood purification,diabetes,cancer,thyroid,irritable bowel syndrome,joint pain,constipation and acidity.
External application for swellings,cuts,wounds,burns,boils and pimples,goiter(with ajwain,borax and turmeric)also good for hair and eyes.

Leaf teas-
Laxmi Taru,Mimosa leaves,jade leaves,Tulsi leaves,Makoy berry leaves,Goy Amlaki leaves,Punarnava leaves,Mint leaves.
