Dash Parani
The farmer training also teaches a natural way to control
pests.A method known as Sapt Parni-concoction of seven different plant leaves.
To spray/acre Dashparini ark method
200 litres walter+6-10 litres Agniastra
200 litres water +20 litres Indian cow’s urine + 2kg fresh
Indian cow dung+200 g Haldi powder + 500 g Adrakachi chutney.
Method-Mix it well ,cover and keep overnight
2nd morning add to the mixture 10 g Hing powder+1
kg tobacco powder+1 kg green chilly chutney+ 500 g Gavrani garlic chutney cover
again.Put in some sack and keep overnight.
3rd morning-mix again,add 2 kg Neem
chutney(leaves and stems)+2 kg Karanj(pongamia)leaves+ 2 kg Custard apple
leaves+2 kg Dhotyachi leaves+2 kg castor
plant leaves+2 kg Bel(Bilwa) leaves and flowers+ 2 kg Tulsi leaves with seed
flower Manjiri+2 kg Gavran (wild?) papaya leaves+2 kg mango leaves+2 kg Gudwel(Giloy
stem)+2 kg Richeki leaves+2 kg Kanheri leaves+2 kg Bawachi stem+2 kg torat
leaves+2 kg Aghad leaves+2 kg Shevga leaves+2 kg kambarmodi+2 kg hibiscus+2 kg
pomeogranate leaves+2 kg harali greens.
Necessary any 10 plant leaves but first 5 plants are
necessary.Mix all leaves and keep for 40 days.Mix once everyday tie cloth on
top.After 40 days remove cloth and keep in the shade.use for 1 month.
200 litres water + 6-10 litres Dash parani ark.
Alternate with 200 litre +20 litres Jivamrut.
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