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Laksmi taru-Sima Rouba Glauca

Parts used- Leaves, Stem, Bark and Fruits This plant has a high Prana level. Its abundance overflows and creates vitality around. Day and night it purifies the air, enriches the soil on which it grows and shares generously, asking for little in return. A leaf or two in the water matka keeps the water sweet for days. Some dried leaves in any herbal powder, spice, flour or pulses keeps away unpleasant pest and humidity. Herbal powders remained dry in Mumbai’s wet climate and acquire a fragrance. In tea 1-2 leaves do not affect the taste of this tea, add anti-oxidants, health properties and are an excellent preventive and cure for VIRAL INFECTIONS. Medicinal uses- The whole tree is a powerful air purifier and anti oxidant. Just growing the tree in the house or outside keeps away viral fevers. Leaves decoction - Dried or fresh leaves from a mature tree. Bark pieces, stem pieces- 1 to 2 glasses–Take 3 to 4 leaves, 2 cm bark piece, 3-4 small stem pieces , boil and drink lukewarm. For best ef

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