Mulberry- The Super Berry

Mulberry- The Super Berry

Health benefits of Mulberry (all kinds):
Antioxidant and nutritious Powerhouse, Source of Fiber, Rich in Vitamin C and  K  Protein, Iron & Calcium
Good for:
Improves Digestive Health -relieving constipation, bloating, and stomach cramps  , Lowers Cholesterol and good for heart, Controls Blood Sugar Levels, Reduce Cancer Risk, Improves Blood Circulation, Being Iron rich can Cure Anemia. Good for Eyes, brain, liver, a respiratory ailment tonic and much more.
External application:
Juice or Paste, moisturizes and adds glow to the skin besides anti- ageing benefits. Improves circulation.

Mulberry Leaves:
Tea can be made from fresh or dried leaves. Tender leaves can be consumed in salad or added to soups. Know to be safe and non toxic.
Health Benefits:
Anti- Oxidant. Very good for diabetics. Regular use lowers blood sugar levels. Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Anti- ageing effect. Good for senior citizens. Rich in  Minerals and Vitamins. The boiled water of mulberry leaves is an excellent gargle for sore throats or mouth ulcers.Drinking mulberry leaf water is very good for dry cough and lung problems. Brightens eyes and liver soothing tonic.
External application:
 Very good moisturizer, paste or washing face and hair with the water or juice.
 Pregnant or Breast feeding mothers and very young children
