Celebrating Vegetarianism

Its being One with the earth and the five elements. Being ‘Panduranga’ – The eternal dance to balance the 5 colors: Earth, Fire, Water, Air & Space. It is – living life to the full, in awareness that live plant based foods can best maintain the life force circulation within mind & body & its balance with Nature & Environment. 

Dead foods lower Prana, the necessary energy shower that constantly washes away accumulating toxins. SO GROW WITH GROWING THINGS! Take on the colors of the flowers, the harmony of green leaves & the magic of sprouted grains. Hold the tiny seed in your hand. Feel the life humming within, responding to the core within you, the gift of abundance waiting to burst forth from the life coursing through your palm. The seed absorbs the vibrations, feels the joy of being and then waits …… in the warm dark earth to blossom into Green Delight.
